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Website Quality Reports

The Website Quality Report provides a detailed report of website performance testing and reporting around Accessibility, Usability, SEO, Best practices, Standards and identification of errors etc. The Website Quality Report aims to assist the Ministry/Departments in ensuring that their website consistently conforms to a high standard of quality and complies with World Standards.

Compliance to Website Quality Report conforms to the essential prerequisites of UUU trilogy i.e. Usable, User-Centric and Universally Accessible. This would also help in meeting the requirements of W3C’s Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 2.0), The Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act 2016, Information Technology Act of India and Guidelines for Indian Government Websites (GIGW).

UxDT team has provided Website Quality Reports to Ministry/Departments website management team that in turn takes the remedial action by fixing up the issues listed with possible remedial actions. This helps in ensuring that websites of Government Ministry/Department(s) maintain an acceptable level of compliance over a period of time.

Click here to view a Sample Website Quality Report

Document Accessibility

Document Accessibility refers to creation of documents that are as easily readable by a sighted reader as a low vision or non-sighted reader. Assistive technology tools like screen readers etc can also comprehend and navigate through accessible documents easily making them usable for person with disabilities as well.

Making a document accessible is easiest when we are in the original stages of creating a document. While creating the document, there are a few basic steps that should be followed in order to assure that your content is accessible. The core steps needed for accessibility are the same regardless of whether your document is in HTML, Microsoft Word, Adobe PDF, or another document format. Some of the important considerations are:

  • Provide Document Properties like Title, Author, Key Search Words, Language, and Subject Matter of the document
  • Use headings
  • Use lists
  • Use meaningful hyperlinks
  • Add alternate text to images
  • Use tables wisely

Read this document on Creating Accessible document with Microsoft Word 2016

Website Analytics

Website analytics is the measurement, collection, analysis and reporting of visitor data for purposes of understanding and optimizing web usage for visitors. However, website analytics is not just a process for measuring visitors’ traffic but can be used as a tool to assess and improve the effectiveness of a website. It provides information about the number of visitors to a website and the number of page views. Our website analytics provides report including:

  • Visitors Statistics: List of all visitors with total count of a particular visitor, and Percentage of his visits of total count of all visitor’s visits
  • Referrer Details: Details of URLs of visitors to access this website
  • Browser: Details of Browsers, visitors used to access this website
  • Devices: Details of Devices, visitors used to access this website