The National Single Window System (NSWS) is a digital platform designed to assist businesses in identifying and applying for necessary approvals according to their specific requirements. The platform features the “Know Your Approvals” (KYA) module, which provides guidance for approvals from 32 Central Departments and 32 States. Users are advised to check the relevant Government portals for any additional required approvals.
The NSWS portal hosts applications for approvals from 32 Central Departments and 28 State Governments, allowing users to apply for these approvals directly through the system. While the platform serves primarily as an advisory tool to help identify necessary approvals based on user input, it should be used for guidance purposes only. The system is continuously being improved, with efforts to onboard more approvals and update relevant information periodically.
The NSWS team welcomes user feedback to enhance the platform’s user experience and to fulfill the goal of making the NSWS a comprehensive and reliable National Single Window.